Wednesday, 30 March 2011

For the first time in my life I'd actually like some advice xD

Does anyone else have that problem when you go out to Boots all excited, buy a pack of hair dye, run home charlie in the chocolate style, follow the instructions TO THE LETTER (Except strand tests, they can fuck off) wait the allotted time, rinse and find your hair is FUCK ALL DIFFERENT?!

Personally I blame my Jewish heritage. My hair seems to have become UN-DYE-ABLE. 

So here's the thing. I'm not a massive copy or anything, but I really REALLY want bright red hair. Like Rihanna.

I'm so freakin' envious.

However, when I eagerly applied some red dye to my hair. It did nothing :(

I have a few options here:

- Give up and live in shame

- Bleach it and risk it falling out/going green

- Dye it red again even though chances are nothing will happen

Personally I don't fancy any of these options. It looks like I'm going to have to lighten it. Then maybe avoid straightening it for YEARS and condition it and care for it etc etc. But seriously that's a lot of effort for a decision so impulsive.


Help!! xD

Plus if I lighten it I can put in cool semi permanent colours. Like blue. :D

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

My Observations - Things I have learned this month.

So next year, I turn 20. That's a big number. That's probably a quarter of my life gone already. But I have some ideas for the next three, which I would like to share with you.

 1. Somebody REALLY needs to invent a teleporter.
That or more trains/buses. Have you tried living in Blandford without a drivers license? It's a struggle to get to Tescos, heaven forbid you should want to go somewhere a little further. 

Like London for example; you have to get either a lift or really awkward bus to Salisbury, pay £30 for a train, and the whole thing can take like 5 hours. In a car you can get there in half that... Without a car the only place worth going to that we can actually reach is Poole. And that is a massive let down unless you can afford one of those blue "m" buses to get to Tower Park or the beach...

2. The newsfeed on Facebook is really boring.
And yet I still check it. A lot. I get that bored. It's all stuff like "GOD I'M SO DEPRESSED I HATE YOU!!" (Without anyone tagged so we can't even laugh at the victim of this status. How boring) or "I'm about to eat some chips/drink some beer/watch the telly" Ok, I'm guilty of this one too, but at least make it slightly more interesting with some detail! Like "I am stealing Ellen's curly fries in the Railway while she's playing Pool. She hasn't noticed :D" (Guilty of this one too....) 
Or "Goodnight, Facebook" Facebook is just a lot of code and some severs. Say "Goodnight people on Facebook" or at least "Goodnight, Mark Zuckerberg"....

3. Everything is better with a Chupa Chups lolly.
EVERYTHING. Even swimming. Even eating other food. If you have a lolly. It's all good. You can use it as an excuse to avoid conversation with someone, get a sugar boost, wipe it on annoying people's faces... Ok maybe the last one is a bit gross but I'm fairly certain some prick stuck one in my hair once. Well THE JOKE'S ON HIM! I LOVE CHUPA CHUPS. HAHAHAHA.

4. Never let a 34 year old woman near a motor home.
Or she will give up her bed and spend her nights sleeping on the driveway. And buy cushions for it... Cushions you can't even sleep on...

5. You should be able to text through Wi-fi.
So I may not have signal, but I AM CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET! Why is that not good enough?! My network is the worst for signal in the country. :( It must be so simple to allow you to text and call through your network on the internet, without having to resort to Skype or something. I pay a lot of money to hardly ever be able to use my phone. SORT IT OUT 3!! 

6. Keep your discs in their boxes.
Seriously. Paul and I both own a copy of Sims 3, and fancied installing it on James's beastly computer, however, when we looked, neither of our copies were in the boxes! I have spent nearly 2 hours in desperate search for at least one of the discs, but to no avail. Keep things in their boxes, children!!

7. There is nobody left on Halo 3.
It's depressing.

8. It's embarrassing getting your card declined.
Even more so when you are applying for a job at the same time. Yeah I can't buy this Pepsi, but will you hire me? xD

9. People should be re-taught good handwriting periodically through their lives.
Seriously. I have this absolutely lovely welsh god mother, who sends me all these cute cards, BUT I CAN'T READ A WORD SHE IS SAYING! And I don't have good enough signal to call her, even in my own house...

10. Pirate ships are cooler than castles. But fortresses beat both.
So sorry to the people that were going to buy me a pirate ship. :P   

As you can see, those were some pretty important life lessons right there. I only hope my next month is as insightful as this one haha!        


Friday, 18 March 2011

Fuck you all.

I can't BELIEVE girl on top won!! You are all lazy men, AREN'T YOU!

We spend more time that you could imagine making ourselves look pretty, making you sandwiches and telling you how big your penises are, because YOU AND SOCIETY DEMAND IT...


Lazy shits.

I hope you see this and choke. Preferably resulting in an untimely death.

But, to everyone who didn't vote girl on top. Why thank you :)

Monday, 7 March 2011

Could You Still Unknowingly Be A Virgin? Or Have Lost It Without Knowing??

No, I'm not talking about being unconsciously raped, or delusions of sexual intercourse, rather instead I am referring to alternative virginities. What bought this on you may ask? I lost my Manicure Virginity this very weekend. So, let's see how pure you guys really are. So here's a few virginities I've either lost; or heard about other people losing. Which ones have you lost?

[x] SEX Virginity - The big obvious one

[x] Waxing Virginity - Ouch!

[x] Apple Virginity - Steve Jobs is such an evil temptress...

[  ] Putting Soap in a Fountain Virginity - Why haven't I done this?!

[x] Subway Virginity - Your first sandwich is an important milestone

[x] Shakeaway Virginity - Goes damn well with the Subway...

[  ] Vegas Virginity - Yes apparently if you haven't been there, that's what you're refferred to..

[  ] Anal Virginity - Messy... O.o

[x] Kissing Virginity 

[  ] Jeremy Kyle Virginity - I'm not even sure I've done this. What does doing this even MEAN? I've watched the show, I haven't been on it, and I haven't had sex with Mr Kyle...?

[x] Tetris Virginity - It makes me sick to my stomach that this kind of virgin could exist...

[  ] Getting naked in public Virginity

[x] Xbox Virginity - Poor underprivileged people...

[x] Alcohol Virginity 

[x] Hangover Virginity 

[  ] Plane Virginity - Yes, I've never flown (Except once when I was a baby which doesn't count)

[x] Kitchen Sex Virginity - Cooking up some lovin ;)

[  ] Be on TV Virginity

[x] Making a Prank Call Virginity

[  ] Win "The Game" Virginity - HAHAHA I DON'T PLAY IT, BUT YOU JUST LOST!

Wednesday, 2 March 2011


Hey all, just a quickie, should be in bed, gotta get up at like 8! D:

But I've gotta say;

In Lord of the Rings - Return of the King, does anyone feel really awkward when Aragorn randomly starts singing?

I mean, he spends the whole 3 films being all manly and buff (yummmm! :P), but then decides to do a Disney style Burst Into Song Moment?! 

I mean at this point, even Frodo is more masculine than him, and I would bet my house poor old Baggins Junior is a closet homosexual! 

Poor Arwen, she finally gets her sexy ranger, and he goes all Choir on her. Eurgh. I bet even the elves are doing awkward turtle at this point. 

Yup, thats right Aragorn, you've done tons of badass shit, so go get wasted with Gimli and Long-Haired-Puff-Whose-Name-Escapes-Me. Don't sing.

That is all.

All Time Faves :)