I have tons of Apps on my phone. Mainly categorized into folders which I rarely ever look in. These Apps are pointless, and most often end up being a waste of money. I even have a folder named "Boring Crap" filled with Apps I've bought but never once opened. Stuff like "My Net Diary" which really I should be using haha. But some apps I use on a daily basis, and never get tired of. And I'd like to share those with you so that you too can enjoy the benefits they offer.
Plants vs Zombies
PvZ is the most addictive game ever in my opinion. The basic idea is you use plants to defend your house from undead invaders. They fire peas (or something, I'm not entirely sure) and occasionally explode, oh and spawn sunshine. Totally normal. The levels get more complex and the zombies get more varied and harder to kill, so it keeps the game interesting. While we're talking about iPhone games, I couldn't be assed to mention them here, but also try Peggle and Bloons.
This app is great for sharing quick snaps. It combines taking the photo, editing and uploading in one easy process. Most of the effects are pretty naff but some can be really cool. It also displays a feed of friends pictures for you to comment on. Pretty cool stuff.
This app blew my mind. For one reason. When I set it up to link with my Facebook it got every single status update I'd had since July 2009! Plus it did the same for Raptr, Twitter, Digg and Blogger. The combination of all these different feeds for each day of my life really gives a clear view of what I'd been doing that day. Like one day where on Facebook I was raving about having finished a game and Raptr telling me which game it was that I was talking about haha. Perhaps not so great if you don't spend that much time online, but you can type in stuff like a diary too. If you have time. :P
This app is pin protected, meaning my sneaky boyfriend can't read about all the other men I've been dreaming about. HAHA JOKE. ;) It uses white text on a black background to go easier on the eyes for typing dreams whilst half asleep, and the whole design of it feels really nice. Plus you can add keywords to your dreams and filter by importance. And export them. Lushhhh.
Fat/Aging/Bald Booth
Epic Win
You don't expect this much fun from a to-do list. You choose a character and level him/her/it up by completing tasks. You can sort your tasks into Social, Strength, Stamina etc. and decide how much XP they are worth. (This makes it easy to cheat however...)
Where would I be without Shazam?? Well iTunes would certainly have less of my money, that's for sure. But it's so nice hearing a song on tv and thinking, I like that, I'll rewind (Sky+ FTW) and Shazam it. It always recognizes everything I've ever tried.
Facebook/Twitter Apps
For obvious reasons...
Ok so the novelty wore off eventually but for a long time this was an awesome way of tracking my mood. It shows your energy levels, happiness and how relaxed you're feeling, and how they change over time. It also shows how the people you're with and the time of day affects your mood. Its intriguing, IF you can withstand it frequently bugging you to input data.
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