I'm noticing more and more than random crap is being shoved in our face that we don't need. (well actually this has always happened, but I'm talking technology...well actually that's always happened too... let's not get too hung up on this...) So I'm going to write about the ones I've tried, and how good they have actually been...
Facetime for iPhone 4
When I first saw this it looked pretty pointless. It's basically Skype. And the front facing camera on the iPhone is CRAP! The ad is so cheesy too, with the injured man watching his teammates as they show him a trophy they must've won without him... I always wondered why he didn't go to the game and watch from the sidelines... It's only a broken leg... Surely wheelchairs were invented for this very purpose??? But I digress, to me it seemed pointless. However I have since changed my mind. This is going to raise eyebrows and you will probably get the wrong end of the stick here, but it's really fun chatting to my boyfriend late at night on it :) NO WE HAVE NOT TRIED FACETIME SEX YOU SICK BASTARDS (we live in the same cul-de-sac, what would be the point? :L Anyway, as long as you both have Wi-Fi its a great way to communicate. Especially for me. I have a combination of both the phone AND network most notorious for poor signal, so talking over Wi-Fi handles this problem nicely. 5 stars!
XBOX Kinect
I was never excited about Kinect, because I didn't believe computers recognizing your individual limbs without some kind of green screen would be possible. I assumed Kinect was an elaborate Eyetoy. How wrong I was. Kinect does work very well. You can move your hands and legs and your avatar on screen will mimic you perfectly. (Even rather rude gestures) It really is quite cool. However the novelty wears off pretty quickly and you soon realize that they're expecting you to stand up to play a video game. And if you know me AT ALL you'll know that movement - not my cup of tea. 2 Stars...
Apple TV
We used to have a mac connected to our tv which we used to watch films and tv shows we've downloaded/ripped from the Drobo. (our hard drive) Then Paul replaced this with an Apple TV. Which does the same job but with a remote instead of a keyboard and mouse, and a simplified interface. And when it comes to computers, I HATE simplified. Computers are my thing, I'm good at them. So it's fun having things more complicated to A. Make me look like an expert more and B. confuse lesser beings. I don't like it at all. But I'd probably still recommend it for retards. 3 Stars.
The iPad
I thought the iPad was bloody ridiculous when it was first advertised. It was just a massive iPhone!! (And at the time I didn't like those either...) And I can tell you... It pretty much IS a massive iPhone. But iPhones are great! Yeah it's oversimplified again and I'd never call it a computer in the way laptops and desktops are, but iPads have their place. I want my own one for Uni for lectures and stuff, there are some great apps for note taking. Plus playing Plants Vs Zombies on it is amazing. 5 Stars :D
The Kindle
I decided early on that the Kindle is a pointless piece of crap. And unlike the rest of the gadgets outlined here - my opinion has not changed. As far as I'm concerned, the Kindle only has 2 qualities worth mentioning:
- It's screen isn't a screen it's more like an etch-a-sketch, so the sun doesn't reflect on it.
- You can go a bazillion years without charging it.
- As the screen emits no light you can't read it at night without a light. What about on a car journey? Problematic much??
- Why would you even need to go that long without charging something??? Where do you live?? The jungle???
Plus, I don't read. So totally pointless. 1 Star.
1 comment:
the kindle is a good idea
backlights give you headaches.
and the ipad is shit
people who take notes in lectures with technology are all wankers
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