Ok, so there are a lot of myths and legends about sex, and subjects surrounding it, so I thought a fun way to relaunch this blog would be to explore these. I've done some research, both personal and on the web and found some of the weirdest myths to show you. And best of all, they are all true!

I didn't believe this one! It seems completely impossible. But apparently a longer ring finger means you have more testosterone in your body, so you're all manly and macho, possibly aggressive, queer hating, drink a lot of beer, carry a shotgun for shooting immigrants, kill boar with your bear hands etc (ok I've started exaggerating here... it's mainly that you're more boisterous.)
On the other hand a longer index finger means more estrogen, so you're more feminine in an over-sensitive, neurotic kinda way. But if you're a straight guy with a longer index finger don't start questioning your sexuality just yet, because...
If the two fingers are very similar in length, you are most likely to be gay, and this applies to girls too.
Most of the time this can be transferred to females also. I personally have a longer index finger. So I'm neurotic. Yeah, sounds like me. Anyone reading find this doesn't apply to them?
2. Asian Men are Tiny, Black Men are Massive.
Not surprisingly, some people will deny this rumour with a passion, some will accept it. ;) But according to statistics it's true. However me and a friend have both had encounters with Asian men, and I found mine to be on the disappointing side, whereas she was thoroughly satisfied with hers. Although there are many factors in this. Mine was a drunken one night thing, so my perception may been out of whack, and hers was a long term relationship, so she may have felt responsible for defending his member. Maybe I have higher standards. :P Who knows? But statistics don't lie... Oh wait...
Also, anyone else wondered or know whether this one applies to girls?
3. Girls Masturbate.

"Should girls masturbate?
may sound a little weird but i am 15 and have never masturbated but i heard about girls doing it and was wondering if it was normall to do so
please help
please help
Additional Details
if so how do you do it"
Poor girl. The winning answer, in case you were interested, was "why not?" haha.
4. Orgasms Cure Depression.
This is totally true! I've seen it in so many books and on TV, plus on leaflets at therapy etc. Having between 3-5 orgasms a week significantly lowers depression, helps your esteem AND helps you lose weight. SO GO FOR IT!
On the flip side, here's a selection of hilarious things people have believe about sex that aren't true...
There's no risk if you're standing on a telephone directory
You can’t get pregnant on a boat
You get pregnant if you take folic acid
You can’t get pregnant your first time
A boy is only fertile if his testicles feel cold
You can’t get pregnant if you 'wash' with coca cola
You can’t get pregnant having sex standing up
You are definitely gay if you fantasise about people of the same sex
Jumping up and down after sex stops you getting pregnant
You can get pregnant through oral sex
You can reuse condoms
If you don't have a condom you can use clingfilm or a crisp packet
You can’t get pregnant on a boat
You get pregnant if you take folic acid
You can’t get pregnant your first time
A boy is only fertile if his testicles feel cold
You can’t get pregnant if you 'wash' with coca cola
You can’t get pregnant having sex standing up
You are definitely gay if you fantasise about people of the same sex
Jumping up and down after sex stops you getting pregnant
You can get pregnant through oral sex
You can reuse condoms
If you don't have a condom you can use clingfilm or a crisp packet
Oh yeah and vote on the sexual position poll! :)
Leah...This is brilliant.....Well done you....!
Great to read....And...Oh! so, so true...!
Won't say any more....As..
I am a "Mano a Mano, Faccia a Faccia" person.
(Hand to Hand, Face to Face).
Tell it Like it Is.....!
Goooodness....So tempted to say more....BUT NO!
Have a fun life....."Right-On" "Nuff said"..x
Read this quite a few times now............!
Just the ONE thing..........Crisp Packet....
Do you leave the crisps in, or eat them first....!
AND.....What flavor......Smoky Beacon sounds good......! :0).
Oh! you can get pregnant on a boat....Unless you've got an Hoare....! :)
Ahaahahah i see what you did there :P
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