Wednesday, 19 January 2011

World of Warcraft.

Ok, so I tried WoW yesterday, after a lot of pressure from James. (I know what you're thinking, James is 8, man the hell up Leah!) But I like to know what I'm slagging off. That's also why I watched Twilight. I'm not going to talk shit about something I know nothing about. It was research.

Anyway, unfortunately for me, I sat down to "research" WoW at roughly 4pm. Next time I looked up it was 8pm. I'd lost 4 hours. Just like that. I then went upstairs, blogged for a bit and then tried to sleep... And couldn't... All I could think about was going back downstairs to play it. I was awake til 4.44pm in the end! Not fun. 

I need to feel like I'm progressing in game to have the stamina to carry on, and in WoW, the levelling system is perfect. I'm now at Level 12 (I played an hour today over lunch) And 12 Levels in 5 hours feels like a pretty solid ratio to me. Obviously it'll slow if I choose to continue the game, but that's fine. It's a good system.

Another thing that got me was the controls. For some reason I'm a sucker for games that are incredibly complicated to play. Whether that's because there's a lot going on to stimulate me or I just enjoy looking like I know what I'm doing, I'll never know. But it really had me hooked.

So here is my question, are they sneaking nicotine into this game? Subliminally messaging me to play? I'm pretty bad when it comes to getting addicted to stuff so I'm going to stay away from it before it consumes me and steals away any hope I have of going to university. But it will now forever be in the back of my mind, tempting me. Fuck you Blizzard.

Anyone else had an experience like this?! :/

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Dear Therapy...

Dear Primary Care Mental Health,
Please stop writing to me telling me to phone you. I hate phones. That's part of the reason I'm getting bloody therapy in the first place! Make another way for me to make appointments. Like Email. Jeez.

"If we do not hear from you within two weeks of the date of this letter we will presume than you no longer require support from our service and will discharge you."

Fuck you.

That is all.

Christianity Vs Star Wars

For most of my life I have been exposed to both Christianity, and Star Wars, and I've decided to investigate which one I think would leave you feeling more fulfilled and self actualized. I will address a number of conflicts before finally concluding which is the better option. 

What would you rather have in a fight? A crucifix, or a Lightsaber? I think most sensible people would choose the latter. In the end how much damage could you really do with a weighty piece of metal, maybe a good bash to the back of the head might cause unconsciousness, but you're never going to get a certain kill without brains squirting out everywhere and in your face. Messy. Whereas with a Lightsaber you can cut your enemies clean in half. And ain't nobody getting up after that. Fact. Lightsabers even look more godly and awesome. They're made of light. Not pussy gold. Score one for Star Wars!

Here's my next question for you boys and girls out there, which would you rather do? Endure a lengthy church service, or watch Empire Strikes Back? Star Wars addresses a lot of the issues the church does, for example:
  • Selflessness - like when Luke goes to rescue Han and Leia from Darth Vader
  • Love - between Han and Leia
  • Family Issues - I am your father!
  • Life After Death - Ghostly Obi-Wan
  • Global Warming - There's blatantly an ice age on Hoth
Star Wars even addresses issues like incest in Return of the Jedi. Win/Win.

Who would you rather have on your side? God? or The Force? Do you want to spend weeks praying for something? Or take matters into your own hands by telekinesis, sensing danger, seeing the future and all the other advantages The Force brings, without you having to ask a deity first. Sure if put to the test God probably could overpower The Force, but it seems to me like that guy never really does anything.

Now, how would you rather learn about your religion? In a Sunday School with a teacher who is probably either a virgin or paedophile, neither of which can offer a particularly good view of the world, or learn hands on by becoming a Jedi Padawan? You could be spending your Sunday morning praying and learning about hell/chastity, or be surrounded by admiration, glory and swooning men/women due to the fact that you recently blew up an Imperial Star Destroyer.

However. Being a Christian means no sex before marriage. Being a Jedi means no sex ever. Which would be a massive trade off. However Anakin managed to keep his marriage on the down low, so you probably could too. So I think Star Wars wins hands down. But unfortunately, The Force doesn't exist. Neither does God. So we don't really even need to choose. What a waste of my life writing this.

Monday, 17 January 2011

My Favourite iPhone Apps

I have tons of Apps on my phone. Mainly categorized into folders which I rarely ever look in. These Apps are pointless, and most often end up being a waste of money. I even have a folder named "Boring Crap" filled with Apps I've bought but never once opened. Stuff like "My Net Diary" which really I should be using haha. But some apps I use on a daily basis, and never get tired of. And I'd like to share those with you so that you too can enjoy the benefits they offer. 

 Plants vs Zombies
PvZ is the most addictive game ever in my opinion. The basic idea is you use plants to defend your house from undead invaders. They fire peas (or something, I'm not entirely sure) and occasionally explode, oh and spawn sunshine. Totally normal. The levels get more complex and the zombies get more varied and harder to kill, so it keeps the game interesting. While we're talking about iPhone games, I couldn't be assed to mention them here, but also try Peggle and Bloons.

This app is great for sharing quick snaps. It combines taking the photo, editing and uploading in one easy process. Most of the effects are pretty naff but some can be really cool. It also displays a feed of friends pictures for you to comment on. Pretty cool stuff.

This app blew my mind. For one reason. When I set it up to link with my Facebook it got every single status update I'd had since July 2009! Plus it did the same for Raptr, Twitter, Digg and Blogger. The combination of all these different feeds for each day of my life really gives a clear view of what I'd been doing that day. Like one day where on Facebook I was raving about having finished a game and Raptr telling me which game it was that I was talking about haha. Perhaps not so great if you don't spend that much time online, but you can type in stuff like a diary too. If you have time. :P

This app is pin protected, meaning my sneaky boyfriend can't read about all the other men I've been dreaming about. HAHA JOKE. ;) It uses white text on a black background to go easier on the eyes for typing dreams whilst half asleep, and the whole design of it feels really nice. Plus you can add keywords to your dreams and filter by importance. And export them. Lushhhh.

 Fat/Aging/Bald Booth
These booths are awesome used independantly, or combined. I've managed to humiliate a lot of friends and family with this app. (So it rocks if your a sadist) Perhaps I will make a blog filled with some of my best creations from this app. In the meantime I will show you what Fat Booth did to me...

 Epic Win
You don't expect this much fun from a to-do list. You choose a character and level him/her/it up by completing tasks. You can sort your tasks into Social, Strength, Stamina etc. and decide how much XP they are worth. (This makes it easy to cheat however...)

Where would I be without Shazam?? Well iTunes would certainly have less of my money, that's for sure. But it's so nice hearing a song on tv and thinking, I like that, I'll rewind (Sky+ FTW) and Shazam it. It always recognizes everything I've ever tried.

 Facebook/Twitter Apps
For obvious reasons...


Ok so the novelty wore off eventually but for a long time this was an awesome way of tracking my mood. It shows your energy levels, happiness and how relaxed you're feeling, and how they change over time. It also shows how the people you're with and the time of day affects your mood. Its intriguing, IF you can withstand it frequently bugging you to input data.

The World's Worst Tattoos

I have recently been toying with the idea of getting a tattoo, so have been scouring Google Images for inspiration. However on my journey, I have stumbled upon some of the most embarrassing ideas to have permanently marked on your body imaginable.

Unicorns humping... Tasteful...

Anything from films dates incredibly quickly (unlike classics like Star Wars and Alien). This film only had one good quote and the rest of it was painful!

Depressing messages... If you want to wallow in self pity and emotion be my guest, but having it this large, this viewable, is unfair on anyone unfortunate enough to be in your company.

Tattoos by artists who suck. Seriously, their drawing is going to be on your body for the rest of your life, choose wisely! Also, a tattoo about beer? Seriously? Admittedly it's not overly visible, but get accused of Alcoholism and you're fucked.

Tattoos in a language that 95% of the time, the person getting it doesn't understand/can't read. They could be writing "I Touch Kids" on you back. You have to think about these things.

It's a sweet idea but Mums are generally the people that DON'T want you inking yourself. Especially not with tacky shite like this. I'm sure she'd love you just as much without it...

I consider this one self-explanatory.

Why? ... I vaguely understand the others, but this?! I'm clueless.

Sunday, 16 January 2011

TV Worth Watching

So I've made a big list of every TV show I watch and why you should too. Mainly for the hell of it. I'm bored this evening ok? And none of these shows are one right now...



Basic Idea: Young offenders get superpowers and frequently accidentally kill people, but somehow manage to keep it all on the low down.
Best Character: Nathan - He's hilarious, and has big eyebrows.
Best Episode/Season: The one with the gorilla in the gorilla costume.
Lovable Aspects: The gorilla in the gorilla costume. Plus the fact that it's set in London rather than America
The Downside: Simon is NOT HOT. EVER. Plus series 2 got confusing.
Rating: 9/10

Dr Who

Basic Idea: Immortal time travelling man with plentiful female escorts repeatedly saving the human race, and aliens that look suspiciously like humans.
Best Character: Amy Pond or Rose Tyler
Best Episode/Season: The one where Rose goes into the other dimension and it's all sad.
Lovable Aspects: It always snows on Christmas, even though it never does in real life. The Doctor can be pretty funny.
The Downside: All the companions are always girls, and they nearly always fall in love with him. Same-y much?
Rating: 8/10


Basic Idea: People have superpowers caused by evolution and genetics and shizz. One guy tries to steal everyone else's powers by killing them.
Best Character: Hiro and Ando
Best Episode/Season: Season 1. And probably 3. 2 and 4 sucked.
Lovable Aspects: Cute ignorant Japanese men trying to save the world.
The Downside: The Petrelli family. They're boring.
Rating: 9/10


Cleveland Show

Basic Idea: Family Guy spin-off featuring Cleveland Brown as he moves in with a new family in Stoolbend Virgina. Probably even less politically correct than Family Guy.
Best Character: Rallo - "Oh I know y'all ain't leaving without making these beds."
Best Episode/Season: The first ever episode
Lovable Aspects: Roberta's boyfriend who desperately wants to be black, the rap battle between Cleveland Jr and Kanye West.
Rating: 10/10

Family Guy

Basic Idea: A retard, ginger, fat kid, suicidal teen, evil genius and talking dog together in a house. Living nearby a pervert, a cripple and a black guy. Carnage ensues.
Best Character: Stewie
Best Episode/Season: The Surfin Bird episode
Lovable Aspects: Stewie being secretly in love with Brian, everyone constantly ripping into Meg, Cleveland having his roof blown off whilst being in the bath, and shouting "No, no, no, nooo!" as he falls.
The Downside: Has gotten quite old and possibly, dare I say it, over done?
Rating: 8/10


Basic Idea: Extra trying to make it as an actor, makes fun of famous people.
Best Character: Barry of off Eastenders
Best Episode/Season: Gotta be either Kate Winslet, Daniel Radcliff, Patrick Stewart or Ian McKellen. Probably the latter.
Lovable Aspects: Real celebrities making themselves out to be utter pricks for humour. Gotta respect that. Watch it too much and you start to believe that's what they are like in real life.
The Downside: Sometimes it crosses the PC line so much it actually makes you cringe...
Rating: 6/10

IT Crowd

Basic Idea: Geeks mixed with Heat-magazine-reading female.
Best Character: Moss or Douglas
Best Episode/Season: The one in season 4 with the Dungeons and Dragons
Lovable Aspects: Moss's blantant Autism, Richmond, Mr Renholm and his declaring war, Douglas's sexual conquests. The funeral. Milk and street countdown.
The Downside: Not enough episodes in existence.
Rating: 10/10

What I would do in the event of a zombie apocalypse...

So I've been recording my dreams for the last 6 months, and it has revealed something very interesting to me, on average, I have 3 zombie apocalypse dreams a week. I think you can agree with me that this is excessive, by any standards. So, for my own reassurance in the dreams, and for your interesting, I am writing here exactly what I have planned out in my head for this disastrous event. 

There I am, lying in my bed asleep, the sun shining down on me through the gap in my curtains. (There is ALWAYS a gap in curtains! Why is this?? Poor design no doubt.) But my innocent dreaming is disturbed by the sounds of screams and car crashes nearby. I get up and peer out of window to see the Post Office on fire, with zombie postmen streaming out of it and attacking innocent bystanders. The apocalypse has come.

Here's my plan: Upon realizing that Paul, Cath and James may already be dead (or worse) I would run to my wardrobe and wrench free the pole my clothes hung on. Sure it's not the best weapon in the world, but it would do in a pinch. 

I would then make my way downstairs, wielding my pole, and investigate the store room for a better weapon (shovel, baseball bat, something nice and blunt.) 

I'd get in my car and, where safety allowed it, search the houses of my loved ones for survivors, (The Boags, Boyfriend, Family etc.) I would also pay a visit to the gun shop in town (and/or camp) and equip myself.

The next stage would be to find a bigger car. Perhaps take my parent's people carrier, especially if I had other survivors with me. Then drive into Tescos (literally) and stock up on canned food, medicine and bottled water.

A long drive to Poole Quay would follow where I would steal a boat (Not a shitty houseboat, I'm talking about a ferry, or cruise liner.

I would set sail BEFORE clearing the ship of zombies, because that way no more can come on board, and sail south, to warm, tropical waters.

Perhaps after a while I would pull a Resi and broadcast to survivors my location and set up a little community on my cruise liner. I would also try to grow food on the deck, and find a water purifier for the sea water, (if the boat didn't already have one) Either way I think I could survive a long time on a boat, you don't really need to use the fuel, you could just drift, and then fire her up if you float too near to land, and you might even be able to get solar powered electricity on board. Paradise!

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Yes we are rich enough to have all of these things in our house...

I'm noticing more and more than random crap is being shoved in our face that we don't need. (well actually this has always happened, but I'm talking technology...well actually that's always happened too... let's not get too hung up on this...) So I'm going to write about the ones I've tried, and how good they have actually been...

Facetime for iPhone 4
When I first saw this it looked pretty pointless. It's basically Skype.  And the front facing camera on the iPhone is CRAP! The ad is so cheesy too, with the injured man watching his teammates as they show him a trophy they must've won without him... I always wondered why he didn't go to the game and watch from the sidelines... It's only a broken leg... Surely wheelchairs were invented for this very purpose??? But I digress, to me it seemed pointless. However I have since changed my mind. This is going to raise eyebrows and you will probably get the wrong end of the stick here, but it's really fun chatting to my boyfriend late at night on it :) NO WE HAVE NOT TRIED FACETIME SEX YOU SICK BASTARDS (we live in the same cul-de-sac, what would be the point? :L Anyway, as long as you both have Wi-Fi its a great way to communicate. Especially for me. I have a combination of both the phone AND network most notorious for poor signal, so talking over Wi-Fi handles this problem nicely. 5 stars!

XBOX Kinect
I was never excited about Kinect, because I didn't believe computers recognizing your individual limbs without some kind of green screen would be possible. I assumed Kinect was an elaborate Eyetoy. How wrong I was. Kinect does work very well. You can move your hands and legs and your avatar on screen will mimic you perfectly. (Even rather rude gestures) It really is quite cool. However the novelty wears off pretty quickly and you soon realize that they're expecting you to stand up to play a video game. And if you know me AT ALL you'll know that movement - not my cup of tea. 2 Stars...

Apple TV
We used to have a mac connected to our tv which we used to watch films and tv shows we've downloaded/ripped from the Drobo. (our hard drive) Then Paul replaced this with an Apple TV. Which does the same job but with a remote instead of a keyboard and mouse, and a simplified interface. And when it comes to computers, I HATE simplified. Computers are my thing, I'm good at them. So it's fun having things more complicated to A. Make me look like an expert more and B. confuse lesser beings. I don't like it at all. But I'd  probably still recommend it for retards. 3 Stars.

The iPad
I thought the iPad was bloody ridiculous when it was first advertised. It was just a massive iPhone!! (And at the time I didn't like those either...) And I can tell you... It pretty much IS a massive iPhone. But iPhones are great! Yeah it's oversimplified again and I'd never call it a computer in the way laptops and desktops are, but iPads have their place. I want my own one for Uni for lectures and stuff, there are some great apps for note taking. Plus playing Plants Vs Zombies on it is amazing. 5 Stars :D

The Kindle
I decided early on that the Kindle is a pointless piece of crap. And unlike the rest of the gadgets outlined here - my opinion has not changed. As far as I'm concerned, the Kindle only has 2 qualities worth mentioning:
- It's screen isn't a screen it's more like an etch-a-sketch, so the sun doesn't reflect on it.
- You can go a bazillion years without charging it.
- As the screen emits no light you can't read it at night without a light. What about on a car journey? Problematic much??
- Why would you even need to go that long without charging something??? Where do you live?? The jungle???
Plus, I don't read. So totally pointless. 1 Star.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Things that shouldn't exist

I'm in one of those moods where I hate everything. Even inanimate objects. Where I feel like if they look at me funny I'll throw them across the room, or pour acid on them. I don't really know why I feel like this. I had a pretty big argument with someone important to me last night, but we made up and spent time together, and then I made up for the lost sleep today. Plus I saw friends and ate yummy food. So why am I so pissed off??? God knows. However in the meantime I'm going to write a list of things I hate. This may seem similar to my last post, but that was about celebs. This is broader ;)

Rastafarian Death Mushrooms
Medusoid Mycelium
Most people have heard about my little.... err... problem. I'm Mycophobic, meaning I have an irrational and inexplicable fear of mushrooms and fungi. I have a few ideas where this could have originated from, such as the stoner mushrooms in The 10th Kingdom, that try to lure you to your death in cool Rasta voices, the Medusoid Mycelium in the Lemony Snicket Unfortunate Events books that grow in your throat and kill you, and my mother's threats in my childhood about drying off after a bath. Apparently if you don't dry everywhere, like under your knees and such, fungi will grow all over your body. I think she meant fungal infections etc but it had me freaked for a long time. Basically when I'm around mushrooms I get scared I'm going to inhale the spores, and that they will grow in my throat and choke/poison me to death... Crazy, I know, but I can't help it...

The Sound of People Chewing
What a Chump..
I absolutely HATE listening to people eat. Especially if they open their mouth a lot and it's all squelchy. Eurgh. I can't help being quietly disgusted by anyone who eats in my presence. Which isn't exactly fair as I'm no silent eater, (I'm one of those annoying people in the cinema who eats crunchy nachos) but it's nothing I can help. It's repulsive and before now it's put me off my food entirely. Sometimes food will even fall out of peoples mouthes, and you just DON'T KNOW WHERE TO LOOK. Eating should be done alone, in my opinion. 

The Dark
This picture pretty much sums my
life up...
I hate to admit I am little afraid of the dark... Still. Even up to the age of about 16-17 I had to have a bedside lamp most nights. I'm not sure why... Sometimes I even slept with my main ceiling light thingy on. I can deal with bright, harsh light, but not darkness. When the level of darkness reaches the stage where there is no difference between opening and shutting my eyes, I'm freaked. Nowadays I'm listening to stuff on my iPhone and the light from that suffices as I drift off to sleep, but it's pretty embarrassing at other peoples houses. With my boyfriend it's ok because I'm sharing a bed with him, but sleeping on the floor somewhere, spiders could be crawling all over me and I wouldn't see!!

While we're on the subject of sleep I also can't sleep with my back to my room/door incase monsters creep up on me in the night... Yeah, I'm that cool.

Slow Computers
Just don't forget to save...
Slow computers suck. And don't be under the misguided impression that macs are better. Macs are Windows with out Ctrl-Alt-Del. No matter how good your processor is, how many gigs of RAM you have, how few applications you have running, your computer can STILL CRASH. Yes, even your mac. We have a mac that takes a good 3-4 mins to open iTunes, and another minute or so to start playing a song or video. Admittedly it's linked to 2 Apple TVs and our laptops connect to the external hard drive through it, but still! 

These things are evil..
My Scales
For two reasons, A. you have to kick it really hard to turn it on, and B. it never shows me nice numbers :(

I don't understand how anyone can stand let-alone enjoy the feeling of velvet. It literally sends shudders down my spine. It feels almost dry and moisture sucking, like some paper towels we had at my old job, (but don't get me started on those...) Personally I like whatever duvets are made of, and my tolerance of fabrics ends there.

Fuck you, Blu-ray!
Blu-ray seems to me like nothing more than a chance to re-sell us films we already own, with a slightly different case, for ridiculous amounts of money. Ok so maybe for a film like Avatar there may be advantages to Blu-ray, but Pretty Woman? Wayne's World? How exactly can these films be improved? They weren't filmed in HD, and surely by increasing the resolution you're just making it look crappier. And the extract in-film special features don't exactly make it worth it. What's the point seeing as more and more people are moving straight from DVDs to downloads anyway? And being an avid collector of DVDs myself, I don't want to see the day that DVD players are as hard to obtain as VCRs...

How Un-Photogenic I Am
The day we decided to play with my
purple make-up set...
Seriously, have you seen pictures of me?! Ok I don't have a great complexion, and my nose is kinda big, but other than that I think I'm ok, yet in photos I look like I'm evil/drunk/have been hit by a car/having a bad hair day/contemplating murdering the person taking the picture/all of the above. It's not fair! Look at the picture of me and Bronni, she looks pretty, and I look like a man in a wig. My absurdly odd fringe seems to be in a battle with my nose over who can take up most of my face. :(

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Celebs That Annoy Me...

I'm in a ranty mood. So I've prepared for you a list of the top 10 celebs that annoy me. Mainly so that I can bitch about number 1, but the others have also mildly wronged me enough to deserve this. (Obviously not personally, but these people must know how annoying they are). Anywho on with the list!

10. Alexa Chung
I know absolutely nothing about Alexa Chung, the only exposure I've had to her has been in More magazine's fashion pages. They're always loving her outfits, but is it me or do her shoulders always look REALLY ODD?

She looks like she's desperately trying not to take up too much space. Her arms look...uncomfortable.

It's hard to find pictures that show this online but look in a fashion magazine and she'll be there. Boney and uncomfortable looking as ever...

9. Katie Price
It's not the fake boobs. Fake tan. Hair extensions. The horrible accent. The fact that she made a TV show out of her marriage, and then her divorce. The trashy novels that could have been written by a sexually-active 8 year old. Not EVEN the annoying nasal voice. Nope, what get's me about dear ol' Katie is her indecisiveness about what we should call her. When I first became aware of her massive boobs and celebrity status she was "Jordan". It was short and easy to remember. Now she wants a first AND last name that are completely different to anything I've heard before?! You're some famous dick I care nothing for. You get one allocated name space in my brain. You are Jordan. Stop being a ho.

8. Ellie Goulding

This is the first picture I saw of Ellie, and frankly, she looks like she's wearing a nappy. And a wig. To be honest I found it pretty unsettling and assumed she was some kind of bed-wetting transvestite and subsequently erased her from my memory. But then I heard "Under the Sheets" and "The Writer" and decided to give the weak-bladdered cross dresser a second chance. But the bitch threw it back in my face when she murdered Your Song. Fuck you Ellie fucking Goulding, you have a ridiculous surname, it reminds me of ghosts.

7. Jim Carrey
 I don't care what any of you have to say on the matter, Jim Carrey is an annoying narcissistic twat who tries too hard. In real life I bet you any amount of money he's an asshole. He is not funny nor has he ever been. Luckily Bruce Almighty had the awesome combination of Morgan Freeman and Steve Carrell in, or I might've killed myself being forced to watch it in RE.

6. Justin Bieber

Seriously, what are they going to do when this guy's balls drop????

5. & 4. Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart

  Aside from the obvious reasons I shouldn't really have to explain about; has anyone else noticed how heavily photoshopped these guys are?? And have you ever seen them smile?? I don't know about you but I don't find either of them attractive. Seems like a lot of fuss over nothing. Like 2012 or Big Brother.

3. Katy Perry

 She used to be coooool. She sang songs that were remotely interesting. Now all she does it wear a stupid blue wig, fawn over Russell Brand and try and copy Gaga. Eurgh

2. The Black Eyed Peas.

They obviously let Where is the Love? go to their heads, as everything they've made since sucks. Like their new one, Time of my Life or whatever the fuck it's called? It was a crap song before they got to it, but somehow they seem to have made it even worse. I hate them even more than JLS, and that's saying something.

But I would endure all of these people to save myself from the horror of...

1. Tim Minchin

Tim Minchin is a boring twat. All his "jokes" are stupidly predictable, and he's trying waaay too hard to be wacky and different, ditch the eyeliner and cut your hair you HIPPY. I have never enjoyed anything he has ever said ever, and even being in a room where he's on tv makes me want to start killing people. I would rather watch Twilight on repeat for a century with Katy Perry, JLS and The Black Eyed Peas for company (I'd invite Justin Bieber too but I think the film is a 15 therefore a bit too old for him) than be exposed to even one second of his mindless shit. There I said it. Deal with it. He sucks more than Team America combined with Chitty Chitty Bang Bang combined with SHIT. I would rather go to a pantomime starring Barbara Winsor, Les Dennis and HITLER. I would rather be locked in a London public toilet with OJ Simpson, Peter Andre and Michael Jackson's corpse.

Yeah you get my point.

On the other hand, I LOVE Adam West :D

All Time Faves :)